
Nora's Naturals Hydration Elixirs and Sustainable Snacks

I am so excited to launch my new products and share them with you all! Nora’s Naturals sustainable snacks and hydration elixirs are made for high performers who seek enhancements in wellbeing and performance, without sacrificing time or indulgence. The offerings can easily be enjoyed on the go, helping the body adapt to stress in the midst of a modern lifestyle.

Nora’s Naturals snacks are made with all natural ingredients to support energy levels and strengthen immunity, while indulging in superior taste. Nora partnered with Certified Master Chefs to create each nutrient-dense recipe.

  • The Energy Enhancer: Matcha Granola Bar

  • The Immune Strengthener: Turmeric Energy Bites

  • The Fat Burner: Macadamia Nut Cookies

  • The Beauty Booster: Dark Chocolate Chip Cookies

Nora’s Naturals elixirs are made of hydrating botanicals created to increase metabolism to naturally burn, calm the nervous system to adapt to stress, and speed cellular turnover to influence the aging process. The portable powders can be enjoyed on the go, as well as integrated into a cafe/restaurant experience.

The Fat Burner

Pineapple extract contains digestive enzymes to support gut health and aid in fat burning. Guarana, a plant native to the Amazon rainforest, contains natural caffeine that can raise metabolic rate and deliver sustained energy.

The Stress Reliever

Hibiscus flower contains flavonoids that support mood and deliver calming effects to the nervous system. Ashwagandha, an evergreen shrub, helps balance the body's production of the stress hormone cortisol.

The Beauty Booster

Biotin, a powerful B vitamin, promotes hair growth and skin elasticity. Raspberry ketones and blueberry extract support cellular repair for glowing complexion, paired with pomegranate powder rich in vitamin C.

How to Get the Most Out of Goal Setting

Goal setting is an interesting process. When done in an effective way, it can create superior levels of success. Where I have seen this process to fail me is when I am not specific enough. The times when I have written down my goals without the why behind the destination, I have fallen short. 

 It can be very helpful to create a plan for action that is propelled by impactful levels of motivation. After all, we are dynamic individuals who ultimately thrive off of deeper stages of meaning. If our professional goals are not identified with a level of purpose, we may never reach them. Not from a lack of trying, but simply from a minimized level of importance registered in the brain. 

Start with the WHY

Determine what it is about the goal that drives behavior.  The daily steps to meet the goal become crystallized when we feel and understand the purpose behind it. 

Take 10-minutes to perform the exercise at the same time each week for the next four weeks straight. Since our workweek is dynamic, goals and projected outcomes can shift. It is valuable to keep coming back to the foundational purpose behind the goal itself. 

  1. Write down a statement rooted in the present rather than the future. Simply by shifting the messaging to the present moment, the brain registers the goal differently. Example- I am the partner in my law firm with a salary of x number of dollars. While that may be a long-term goal, you are activating neurons in the brain to perceive it as happening. 

  2. Take the broad present statement, and write three bullet points with specific reasons why this goal is important to meet. Stay in the present tense. The more specific and personal the better. Example- As a partner in my law firm, the part of my personality that is fueled by leading others is being met. My happiness level is consistent because I feel a purpose in my work, and I am able to use my years of education to expand other’s careers. 

  3. Come back to the same statement each week. Write three new bullet points. These may be similar to the week before or new, based on how you feel. There’s no right or wrong, as long as you describe your why. 

Commit to Consistency 

Goal setting is one of the ways to enhance the brain’s neuroplasticity. We have neural synapses firing at all times, creating memories and imprinting new information. The process of setting goals is a way to propel a growth mindset, activating the prefrontal cortex in the brain to focus on top priorities and recognize the benefits of change. 

A study of multiple sclerosis patients at the University of Texas found that patients who set ambitious wellness goals had fewer, less severe symptoms than a control group. The activity in their prefrontal cortex went up, and fear centers in the brain slowed. In effect, goal-setting actually helped improve their brains. 

Create a Plan for Action 

Similar to the commitment to our virtual meetings, having a specific schedule reflected in the calendar when you will perform the goal setting exercise is an important step in reaching goals. As soon as we receive a meeting invite, the time is typically blocked in the calendar. Treat your goal setting exercise in the exact same way. Plan a consistent time every day that you protect. It can be incredibly beneficial to have the same window of time each week to build the foundational habit. 

Shift Mindset

Instead of going through the cycles of disappointment when goals are not being met as fast as we expect, integrate a few simple strategies to gently shift mindset: 

Observe negative thoughts: 

Attention to the body in the midst of stressful or disappointing experiences. Taking a moment to simply notice the breath and any discomfort felt. The body is a sophisticated system and can easily tell us when it is time to calm itself. In most circumstances that are stressful, we can feel the tension in our stomach or chest. By simply observing where this tension shows up, we can create a sense of ease by shifting from shallow breathing in the chest to slow expansive breaths in the belly.  Take one minute- inhale for 3,2,1, exhale for 5,4,3,2,1- inhaling through the nose, feel the belly expand with breath, exhaling through the nose release. Perform for 5 rounds. 

Neutralize negative thoughts:   

Allows for discernment, recognizing a thought or feeling is just mental activity, not our identity. It can be very easy to attach emphasis to specific emotions felt throughout the day. This can be an exhaustive process as there are such an array of emotions we will experience. By doing our best to apply objectivity to strong emotions, we have the ability to create that space between the feeling and how it is expressed. We can notice the emotions as if they were clouds passing in the sky, acknowledging that they are there, and then let them go.

Nutritional Upgrades to Elevate Fat Burning and Sustain Energy

There are numerous nutritional paths that deliver powerful results for fat burning and energy. I have tried many in my lifetime. Jumping all over the place, everything from vegan to paleo, even my juice cleanse lasted about 3 hours until I gave up and ate lunch. Having to forgo bread and skip happy hour was a quick way to zap the zest out of life.

Instead of having to follow a specific diet, there can be simple upgrades we can make in our nutritional regime that set up the body to burn fat for fuel and maintain high levels of vibrant energy. There are a few key times of day when the body synthesizes the nutrition it takes in and either uses it for long term energy or burns through it quickly for a quick pickup (then a crash to follow).


In the morning our bodies have the chance to go on two different energy tracks. One track is the sustained energy/fat burning track (ketones) and the other is quick sugar spikes for immediate but short lived energy (glucose). We can affect which track the body goes on by what we put into our system first thing in the morning. 

Choose healthy fats and clean proteins: 

The brain will naturally gravitate towards the sugar-rich options, such as pastries. The brain knows this option will provide quick fuel fast (the dopamine hormone that is released in the morning is reward driven). It does not register that this quick “fuel” will lead to a quick crash. 

Just by sticking to healthy fats and proteins first thing in the morning, and waiting to enjoy carbs later in the day, the body will be on the ketone burning energy track, providing sustained energy. 

Go-to healthy breakfast options: 

  • Eggs

  • Greek yogurt

  • Olives, hard cheeses, cold cuts (channel our amazing Europeans) 

  • Turkey sausage 

  • Black beans 

  • Cottage cheese 

  • Greens 

  • Berries 

  • Smoked salmon

It is not always possible to skip carbs altogether at breakfast events. Aim for 70% of the plate being protein, healthy fats and greens or low sugar fruit like berries. The other 30% can be bread or the wrap for a breakfast burrito. 


Similar to breakfast, sticking with options that are low in sugar and rich in beneficial healthy fat can keep the energy up all day. The brain is made up of 60% fat, so the more we feed it those nutrients the better it will perform. 

There are times when healthy options might not be as readily available. I find it very helpful to pack some snacks for the plane flights and break time at any event. I’ve included my go-tos below: 

  • Hawaiian roasted macadamia nuts 

  • Hu Kitchen dark chocolate 

  • Bulletproof Collagen Protein Bars 

  • Primal Kitchen Vanilla protein packets (I add to my coffee or tea in the afternoon)

  • Dried blueberries 

  • Pumpkin seeds 

Happy Hour

You know me well, I will be recommending tequila! Cocktails and wine can leave the body feeling wiped the next day by disrupting sleep. When we have drinks that are rich in sugar, the hormone, insulin, is released in the bloodstream. Too much insulin can cause the body to hold onto fat and deplete energy stores. It can also raise cortisol, making us feel unnecessary stress and keep us up at night. Just by making a few simple swaps with cocktails, we can help bring the body back into balance.

  • Spirits: Tequila, vodka or gin 

  • Mixer: Club soda and a splash of juice of your choice 

  • Citrus: Lemon, lime, grapefruit, orange

  • Spices: Basil, jalapeno, mint, rosemary

Top Tips for Stress Relief

Our mood can be easily influenced by external stressors out of our control. The reactivity of the brain in these situations comes down to conditioning. The more we pattern the neural pathways, the easier it will be to have a calm response. You can think of these neural pathways like hiking trails- when we walk over and over again on a certain trail, the path smooths and becomes easier to experience.

When we practice thoughts and reactions (whether positive or negative) the more that becomes the default in the brain and cements that specific path. We actually have the power to influence these paths, how often we walk them. The positive patterning allows for calmer reactions to any stressful circumstance that then becomes the consistent behavior.

A comprehensive Harvard University study found meditation can actually change the structure of the brain: Eight weeks of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) was found to increase cortical thickness in the hippocampus, which governs learning and memory, and in certain areas of the brain that play roles in emotion regulation and self-referential processing.

These 10-minute meditations are led by my team member Adam Peot, Certified Meditation Coach and Yoga Instructor. Adam has a gentle way of shifting physiology, always creating a sense of ease and zero pressure in a meditation practice.





Quick Tips to Exfoliate, Hydrate & Glow

The harsh conditions of the winter months certainly do not support our beauty goals. After moving to New York City, I have completely lost any semblance of a California base tan and have seen a dull effect on my skin. The combination of frigid temperatures, environmental pollution and the lack of sunshine is far from ideal for complexion, not to mention mood. 

I have been doing everything possible to restore the glow, and rejuvenate my skin. From nutritional upgrades to cutting out toxins that affect hormone balance, there are several easy ways we can enhance our regime. These tips provide quick results from a physical beauty standpoint, while setting up the body to enhance longevity.  

DIY Facials 

Cold Therapy

It may sound counterintuitive in winter, but acute cold temperatures actually have an immediate effect of making us look awake and refreshed. Since Zoom calls seem like they’re here to stay, I will take all the tricks I can get to look like a superstar on camera. Right before applying creams or makeup, I will take an ice cube or frozen jade roller and glide it under my eyes and along my cheeks in an upward direction, applying slight pressure. This process boosts circulation, creates an awake look and minimizes dark circles. 

Vitamin C and Hyaluronic Acid 

Gone are the days of drinking several glasses of orange juice to up the levels of vitamin C. The copious amount of sugar alone would negate any benefit. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant when it comes to both immunity and skincare. The vitamin works as an incredible tool for repairing cell damage and synthesizing collagen. One quick way to maximize the benefits is to pair a vitamin C serum with a hyaluronic acid. This product helps bring water to the surface of the skin, giving a natural glow. It also works hand in hand with vitamin C to hydrate the skin. 

Body Scrubs 

Brown Sugar + Coconut Oil 

No matter how much lotion we apply to our skin, it can still look dull if there are topical dead skin cells that have not been removed. One simply DIY body scrub that feels amazing, and smells like sugar cookies is the brown sugar and coconut oil scrub. Combine ½ cup coconut oil and ¼ cup brown sugar. Rub in a circular motion along the entire body. Rinse and repeat daily. 

Dry Brushing 

A dry brush could be one of the best tools I have ever used to reduce the appearance of my cellulite. The tool can be purchased online or in most spas (simply type in dry brush). I use it when I wake up before showering. Simply hold the brush and make circular motions up the body, starting with the feet. Add gentle pressure. Shift the brush from the legs to the arms, all moving toward the heart. In addition to leaving the skin feeling soft, the motion also provides a quick boost in energy, stimulating circulation. 

Nutritional Upgrades  

Increase Healthy Fats

The cell walls are made up of fat and rely on the consumption of nutritional fats to create youthful mitochondria (powerhouse of the cells). You can think of youthful skin being powered by fuels like olive oil, olives, wild caught fish, nuts, seeds, organic eggs, grass fed beef, chia seeds and avocados. The more healthy fat the better. 

Decrease Processed Foods

In addition to increasing healthy fats, it can be very beneficial to decrease the inflammatory oils and sugars in the diet. This comes in the form of most packaged foods. Look at the ingredient list- if it has sunflower oil, safflower oil, brown rice syrup, corn oil or peanut oil, it is not going to be supportive of beauty. These oils cause inflammation in the body, slow down cellular turnover and create toxic buildup. 

Environmental Toxins 

Swap Staples 

Take inventory of your body wash, moisturizers and household cleaning products. There can be hidden toxins in these products that create a harmful imbalance to our delicate hormone system. In addition to causing issues for our mood and energy, these chemicals can stand in the way of bright, beautiful skin. This is a very helpful list of products to look out for in skincare and household items- https://www.tataharperskincare.com/journal/the-toxic-ten/?rmsrc=1&utm_id=go_cmp-18062638741_adg-141095000358_ad-616817512997_dsa-1645137429091_dev-t_ext-_prd-_mca-_sig-EAIaIQobChMIg4_pvumu_QIVYwp9Ch3gvwv4EAAYAiAAEgI93PD_BwE&utm_source=google&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIg4_pvumu_QIVYwp9Ch3gvwv4EAAYAiAAEgI93PD_BwE

As always, please reach out to me if you have questions or any suggested topics for next blog! Would love to connect on Instagram for daily wellness and beauty- @noratobin

Top Tips to Reduce Inflammation

Excess inflammation can cause major issues in our body and may destroy our efforts toward beautiful skin and a fit physique. Our 24-7 workweeks, lack of sleep and high stress levels can dramatically raise inflammation in the body and leave us looking and feeling completely worn out. No matter how many products we use to improve our appearance or what types of workouts we accomplish, we'll never fully look our best if we don't take care of what is going on inside the body. 

Inflammation is part of the body's immune response and it's initially beneficial in the healing process. It helps heal wounds and protects the body from environmental factors. Additionally, an inflammatory response takes place during exercise to help the body adapt. These issues come into play when we are over taxed and acute inflammation (healthy, necessary) leads to chronic inflammation (where all the problems take place).

Chronic inflammation comes about from our lifestyle. If we over exercise, over eat, get lack of sleep and live a stressful life, we most likely have excess inflammation. This alone could be sabotaging our health goals.  Thankfully, there are a number of ways to reduce and manage inflammation at a healthy level. Check out my top tips below!

Consume Ginger and Turmeric

These ancient herbs have been shown to place a significant role in lowering inflammation. I try to incorporate these ingredients into my meals as much as possible. They are great in stirfrys, roasted veggies and soups.

Fish Oil

Load up on Omega 3’s. “Scientists form Ohio State University Center for Clinical and Translational Science reported on a study in the journal Brain, Behavior and Immunity that the daily consumption of fish oil, omega-3 reduced both inflammation and anxiety in a group of young healthy people.” – Medical News Today

Get 8 Hours of Sleep

A good night’s rest has been stressed over and over again, but there is actually a chemical response happening inside the body that is important for reducing inflammation. “A new study in the journal Sleep shows that sleep duration is associated with changes in the levels of specific cytokines that are important in regulating inflammation. The results suggest that inflammation may be the pathway linking extreme sleep durations to an increased risk for disease.” – Science Daily

Don’t Over Exercise

I am 100% guilty of this! I always think it is better to do more than less but definitely not in this case. We have to give our body time to recover in order to see beneficial gains and reduce the inflammation that comes from exercise. Try to switch up the workouts everyday so you are not taxing the same muscles, and be sure to take days off. I know it’s hard but worth it!

Get Cold

Applying ice or sitting in cold water causes inflammation to go down. If you are applying ice, be sure to put a wrap or towel underneath to avoid ice burn. I force myself to sit in cold water for 20-minutes. It is brutal but it works wonders. 


This ancient practice has major benefits for reduces cortisol levels. Even if it's just a few minute of deep breathing, you will begin to change your overall state and significantly reduce stress. The practice of becoming present and deepening your breath calms the mind while reducing inflammation in the body. Start with 5-minutes a day and work your way up.

Hold a few yoga poses

Meditation and yoga go hand in hand. The deep breathing combined with yoga postures boosts seratonin, reduces pressure on the joints, improves confidence and lower inflammation. 

Reset and Rejuvenate

February has absolutely flown by and now we are almost nearing mid-March! I keep asking myself at the end of each day, where has the time gone? In all honestly, these months have been filled both with many challenges and opportunities. I am grateful for it all.

As we begin our Friday and step into another beloved weekend, today I ask you to pause, read through today’s blog, and apply these tips below to make sure that you are adequately resetting and rejuvenating to give you that balance of being on the grind and de-stressing! Enjoy :)

Scattered Thoughts

Why it happens

The central nervous system is in charge of the fight or flight response, making sure the body and mind can react quickly to a dangerous/stressful situation. When these situations arise, the hypothalamus in the brain tells the adrenal glands to release the hormones adrenaline and cortisol. These hormones increase heartbeat and send blood to places that need to respond like the muscles, brain and heart. 

When the perceived stress is gone, the central nervous system should return to normal. Unfortunately, the microstressors we have throughout the day (pings on the phone, notifications of social media, news headlines) hinder the nervous system to return back to a homeostatic state. This causes the body to constantly be fatiguing the adrenal glands, depleting oxygen to the brain and creating an inability to focus. 

What to Do 

You can reverse that cycle by using a strategy called “affect labeling” to help activate clear thinking and control, reducing the activation of negative emotions related to stress. A study conducted by the psychiatric department in the Perelman School of Medicine found a key strategy to reducing brain fog is mindfulness, taking a moment to be aware of surroundings to reduce stress levels.

“In times of high stress, people are often thinking ahead and worried about the future, or worried about something bad that happened in the past. Mindfulness can pull on the prefrontal cortex — the region of the brain in charge of executive functioning — which can reduce emotional activation in the limbic system and help you stay calm and in the moment.” - Lily Brown, PhD, Professor of Psychology in Psychiatry

Morning Mindful Moments
For the next ten days, take the first five minutes of each morning to perform the following:

  • Breath: Inhale for 4 counts, exhale for 8. Repeat for two minutes. 

  • Write: Jot down three simple things you are grateful for. 

  • Move: Spend two minutes moving. Plank, squats, yoga, jumping jacks, dance – any kind of movement. 

Nora’s Naturals 

Superfood Bowls 

One simple way to support energy while working from home is a consistently healthy lunch. When we are back to back on Zooms, it is next to impossible to even think about preparing anything to eat. 

This usually leads to grabbing something easy (usually in a package) and going on with the day. Unfortunately, the packaged foods not only spike blood sugar and cause us to hold onto fat, but can actually raise cortisol (stress hormone). 

A quick and easy way to ensure we are fueled throughout the work day is to prepare the makings of superfood bowls on a Sunday, and have it ready to go for the week. Five minutes of assembly and then on with the workday. 

I have listed wonderful bases, toppings and dressings to create a delicious bowl.  Mix and match to create your preferred bowl!


  • Arugula, kale or spinach 

  • White or brown rice

  • Quinoa 

  • Couscous 

  • Black beans


  • Sweet potato 

  • Avocado 

  • Grilled chicken, steak or shrimp 

  • Nuts and seeds 

  • Roasted veggies 


  • Olive oil, lemon and salt 

  • Salsa 

  • Pesto 

  • Hummus 

  • Aioli 

Enhance Immunity

Happy Friday! Today I want to discuss ways in which we can elevate our immunity. Stress is one of the main causes of a hindered immune system, which is why we will incorporate strategies to shift out of the fight or flight state and into a relaxation response.

Fortunately, none of this week’s strategies will take too much time to implement and you will notice the positive impact right away. You have the power to build the best immune system, and in turn, feel energized and resilient on a daily basis.

Here are a few easy ways to quickly strengthen the immune system and improve overall well being. Try integrating any of the following starting today:

  • Nix the Grains and Processed Foods: Cut out or lower consumption of grains, foods in a package, sweeteners, and processed oils (corn, canola, sunflower,soybean, cottonseed, safflower,grapeseed). These create oxidative stress in the body and lower mitochondrial function (powerhouse of the cells). 

  • Increase Consumption of Healthy Fats, Polyphenols and Fermented Foods: Enjoy wild caught fish, avocado, olives/olive oil, blueberries, raspberries, sauerkraut, all types of green vegetables. The powerful properties in these foods greatly lower inflammation and heal the gut flora (70% of immunity is made in our gut lining). 

  • Lower Blood Sugar and Insulin Levels: Cut out processed foods and sugar. Add in any of the following on a daily basis: 

  • Cinnamon- helps control blood sugar

  • Reishi- lowers blood sugar levels by downregulating alpha-glucosidase which breaks down scratches into sugar

  • Berberine- slows breakdown of carbs

  • Matcha- helps stabilize blood sugar

  • Apple cider vinegar- lowers blood sugar and improves insulin sensitivity

  • High fiber veggies- improves insulin sensitivity

  • Breathe Through Your Nose: Deep breathing can shift the body from a stress response to a calm, focused state. By taking it one step further and breathing through your nose instead of the mouth, there will be a greater effect on the body and the brain. Nose breathing results in 10-20 percent higher oxygen uptake, and removes germs and bacteria from the air. Nose breathing sends nitric oxide to your lungs which helps dilates airways in the lungs and blood vessels, increasing immune defense.

For those who want to go a little deeper on immune strategies and the research to support, here are a few additional ways to improve your health on every level.

Aim for 30 minutes of exercise per day. This can be any movement you enjoy. Feel free to switch up the type of workouts, but be sure to get in the 30 minutes daily. There are a number of proven reasons why this is essential to your health and happiness: 

  • Exercise Improves Immunity: During exercise the body produces cytokine proteins, which are key in regulating inflammation. Studies conducted by UC San Diego found an aerobic exercise session of 20-minutes resulted in a 5% decrease of inflammatory proteins in the blood stream and a significant increase in beneficial hormones such as epinephrine and norepinephrine. 

  • Exercise Improves Learning and Cognitive Function: Exercise stimulates brain cell production and increases brain derived neurotrophic factor. This protein in the brain helps to create new neural pathways, essential for information retention and analytical thought. 

  • Exercise Improves Brain Plasticity: The brain capacity to adapt to ever-changing conditions depends on the ability of neurons to modify the strength and composition of their connections in response to both external and internal stimuli. Both endurance and resistance exercises release myokines into the circulation, which improves neural efficiency of the brain. Essentially, any type of exercise allows the brain to improve its capacity for thinking and adapting. 

  • Exercise Lowers Stress: During physical activity, the body’s stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline lower and the production of endorphins are raised. A variety of studies conducted by the American College of Sports Medicineindicates that being physically active improves the way the body handles stress because of changes in the hormone responses, and that exercise affects neurotransmitters in the brain such as dopamine and serotonin that affect mood and behaviors.

Thriving Physique

With Valentine’s Day around the corner and many delicious indulgences to be had, I thought it would be beneficial to focus this week’s blog on weight management as a chemical process rather than calories in/calories out. Read below to go through my perspective on weight management to understand how it is meant to align with a busy lifestyle and not feel deprivational.

The Basics of Insulin

When it comes to how our body USES and STORES the food we eat, the first thing you should know is what INSULIN is and how it works in our body. 

What is it?

INSULIN is a hormone, which is a chemical messenger that attaches itself to cells, and tells them how to act. It's produced by our pancreas and injected into our bloodstream. Insulin has two primary roles: 

  1. Tells our cells to accept glucose and burn it for fuel.

  2. Tells our liver to convert the excess glucose into glycogen or fat for fuel storage.

What it does in our body.

When we eat any food, with the exception of pure fat, our blood sugar (glucose) goes up. Too much or too little blood sugar (glucose) is deadly to our bodies.

To deal with it, our pancreas secretes insulin into our bloodstream, to chemically direct the blood sugar into cells (muscle cells, liver cells, brain cells, etc...) to be used as fuel. When we have excess blood sugar, which we always do, we send the rest to the liver to be turned into glycogen and fat. 

Glycogen and fat are our bodies' way of storing excess fuel for a later date. Glycogen is a short term energy supply that can rapidly be turned back into glucose for energy and is stored in our muscle tissue and liver. Fat is a long term energy storage vehicle that has to have the perfect conditions for your body to turn it back into usable fuel.

When insulin is present we DO NOT have the ability to access glycogen or fat for fuel. We can’t simultaneously use glucose and fat ketones for fuel. It is one or the other.

Therefore, high levels of insulin or a high level of insulin resistance (we'll talk about that specifically soon) are responsible for keeping excess visceral (belly) fat in our body and liver (fatty liver disease), both of which are heavily linked to many horrible end of life diseases like heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.


  • Food raises blood sugar and therefore raises insulin

  • Insulin tells the blood sugar where to go to be used as fuel

  • If insulin is present in our system we CAN’T burn body fat

  • Carrying excess visceral fat and fatty liver disease are heavily linked to early death.

Bottom Line

Insulin is an essential driver in weight loss. In order to obtain the physical results we seek, it is KEY to manage insulin.

The Dreaded Insulin Resistance

What is insulin resistance?

To be as concise as possible, insulin resistance means that it becomes harder and harder for insulin to attach to our cells and tell them to let in glucose to be burned as fuel. 

Why is it massively important?

Insulin resistance is a proven precursor to all of the metabolic diseases, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimers and dementia. YOU DON'T WANT IT! NOT to mention that it keeps us overweight and holding onto body fat.

How do we become insulin resistant?

1) Processed Foods and Sugar

Processed foods and sugar are digested very quickly in our system, turned into blood glucose and subsequently moved into our bloodstream for our cells to use as fuel. From there, insulin is injected into the bloodstream and tells our cells to burn the glucose.

Processed foods and sugar give us the biggest and longest lasting glucose spikes, so they make our body produce the most insulin. The process of digestion to burning the fuel isn't the problem. It is the amount of glucose we're getting and the consistent flow of glucose that's the big issue. The more we have to use insulin to deal with glucose, the more resistant our cells become to its effect. This happens for the exact same reason that we become tolerant of alcohol and it takes more for us to feel a buzz. It is a defense system our body uses so we don't over use any chemical our body produces or ingests. 

Unfortunately with glucose we have no choice but to utilize it somehow. To do that, we have to produce more and more insulin to direct it around the body.

2) Snacking

In the spirit of being thorough, just know there is much more to how we become insulin resistant based on our sleep, stress, exercise levels, gut health, breathing and much more. We'll cover most of these as well, hooray! Processed foods and snacking are just the easiest places to start. 


  • Insulin resistance is a precursor to all of the end of life diseases.

  • The more glucose in our blood stream, the more insulin we have to make and the resistant our cells become to its effects.

  • Processed food, sugar, and snacking are the prime culprits for insulin resistance.

Bottom Line

Insulin resistance, brought on primarily by snacking, processed foods and sugar, will sabotage our weight loss efforts and can lead to disease. 


How We Control Our Insulin

Although there are many ways that we can control our insulin levels, one of the best places to begin is by eating a whole foods diet. You are probably wondering, what does that entail? Well, continue reading and I will be happy to share with you!

How we control our insulin response - Eating whole foods

Swapping processed foods for whole foods can be a transformative step to managing insulin (weight loss), lowering inflammation (anti-aging) and creating a sustainable source of energy for the body and the brain. 

What is a whole foods diet?

Simply put it's a diet consisting of nothing but non processed fruits, vegetables, and animal products.

What are processed foods?

Processed foods are whole foods that have been refined in an attempt to make food products taste better and have longer shelf lives. In doing so, food manufacturers simplify the chemical structures of food and strip it of fiber, fat and micronutrients. If it comes in a box or a wrapping, it's probably man made and should be avoided.

What are the downsides of processed foods and what does that mean for weight loss? Unfortunately the down sides are immense:

  • Insulin Resistance: Processed foods are made from simple carbohydrates. When we eat simple carbs we digest the food faster. This leads to rushes of glucose and bigger spikes of insulin. Over months and years of eating simple processed foods, we become resistant to the effects of insulin and get all the negative outcomes. Remember more insulin means more weight gain.

  • Digestion Issues: We lose all the fat and fiber. Fat and fiber are essential for your health in MANY ways, but in the context of this course they are extremely essential for controlling our blood sugar levels. Fat and fiber have both been proven to slow down the digestion process and slow down how fast glucose enters our bloodstream. That happens in two ways, one, it literally takes longer for whole foods to reach the gut bacteria that can digest complex foods and two, it literally takes longer for the gut bacteria to break down the food once it gets there. The slower the breakdown, the less insulin we need and the less fat we'll make.

  • Increase Inflammation: Through the physical or chemical alteration process of refined foods we lose the micronutrients that the whole food once had. For example, when we mill wheat products we remove the fibrous husk that contains most of the fiber, b-vitamins and phytochemical.  Micronutrients usually come in combinations that make them more bioavailable to us. That means when we refine the food and lose some of the micronutrients, we may render some of the other nutrients unavailable to us, because they aren't digested in the proper combinations. Less micronutrients means our cells work less efficiently and we create more inflammation, both of which lead to weight gain.

  • Poor Gut Health: We are feeding the bad gut bacteria. Processed foods get digested early in the intestines and feed bacteria that can be harmful to us. On top of that the bad gut bacteria produce waste products that inflame our system and poke holes in our gut lining. All of that causes a lot of inflammation in our body and the more inflammation the more trouble we'll have losing weight.

Adding some quick historical context:

Humans have been hunter gatherers for 99.5% of our existence, subsistence level farmers for .5 % and industrialized for .008 % of it. We simply have not had enough time to evolve into eating the processed foods we have access to now. Whole foods are what we have evolved on.


  • Processed foods digest too quickly and spike our insulin.

  • Processed foods are stripped of fat, fiber, and micronutrients.

  • Processed foods feed bad gut bacteria.

All of the above increase inflammation and increase visceral fat gain.

Other benefits of a whole foods diet:

  • Keeps hunger at bay- we won't need to snack as often when we get the full spectrum of fiber and fat that whole foods offer, which are proven to stop the hunger response.

  • Better absorption of nutrients- we obtain the nutrient combinations that we have evolved to use together.

  • Less expensive than eating out- when you use whole foods you don't get the high markups that happen when others are preparing foods for you. Yes, it may take a little more time for you but the health benefits are more than worth it.

  • Utilizes essential nutrients- fiber from whole foods keeps us regular and is made into essential nutrients by our gut bacteria.

  • Lowers systemic inflammation- essential for warding off disease, feeling energized and slowing down the aging process. 


Top Tips: Whole Foods Diet

  • Shop the perimeter of the store. Most processed foods are always in the middle of the store. Most whole foods are on the perimeters.

  • Learn a few easy recipes. Look up some of your favorite dishes and pick two that have easy recipes to follow. Use these dishes as staples for your weeks and expand on them one recipe at a time. 

  • Buy a crock pot. Crock pots are amazing tools for people who just want to throw a few things in a pot and not think about it until dinner time. Try to make more than necessary so you have leftovers for lunch. 

  • Plan your lunches. Lunch is the easiest way to stray from a healthy path. Try planning out your lunch for the week on Sunday so you can just take it with you to work. It will save you time and headspace for important things, it will also transform your health.

  • Don't be afraid of fat, even saturated fat. Fat is essential to every cell in our body. More importantly in the context of losing weight, fat helps keep us full. Choose quality fats like nuts, seeds, avocados, olives, olive oil, hard cheeses, fish, beef and eggs. 

  • Don't get mad at yourself for eating something you know isn't good for you. Everyone makes mistakes on their health journey and nothing is ruined in one sitting. Just acknowledge that wasn't the best choice and do better the next meal.

  • Shop only for necessities. When we have snacks around the office and house, we are much more likely to eat them. Choose smart snacks like dark chocolate, berries and nuts.

  • One Meal at a Time: Plan one meal a day where you eat all whole foods. For example, instead of having pasta, enjoy roasted veggies or sweet potatoes. Slowly increase the meals where no processed foods are present.

Five Wellness Tips

It seems that we are constantly moving and grinding throughout the work week. To keep it short and simple this Friday I just wanted to give you all a friendly reminder to stop and make sure that YOU, both mentally and physically, are taken care of! This week I am sharing with you 5 simple wellness tips that I look forward to throughout my day to make sure I am taking care of myself! Once reading through, I want to vocalize that it is totally okay if some of these tips do not resonate with your preferences enough for you to practice these daily. However I hope they certainly get your juices flowing so that you have some options to refer to.

Floss Twice Per Day

WHY: The International Journal of Epidemiology conducted a study on 5,611 subjects and found those who did not floss increased their risk of mortality by 30% compared to those who flossed daily. The mouth contains a number of bacteria that link to the gut. When the toxic bacteria are not cleaned out daily, plaque and inflammation start to build. This type of inflammation is a precursor to chronic diseases.


TRY: Floss as soon as you wake up and right before you go to sleep.

Enjoy Matcha Each Afternoon

WHY: Matcha tea contains three times as many antioxidants as standard green tea, because of the way it is harvested. The process of shading the matcha plant increases the chlorophyll and amino acid content.   In a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, researchers found that regularly drinking matcha can result in an increase in your body’s rate of thermogenesis (the rate at which you burn calories) from 8-10% (without matcha) to 35-43% (with it)! The study also found the catechins in matcha reduces the damage caused by free radicals, slowing down the aging process and reducing inflammation. 

TRY: Matcha Latte

  •  2 Teaspoons Matcha Powder

  • 1-Cup Coconut or Almond Milk

  • 2 Teaspoons Honey

  • Mix together and serve hot

I enjoy this in the afternoon when I want to switch over from coffee. It’s an excellent way to keep energy up without disrupting sleep. I’ll have the latte as late as 5pm.

Breathe Deeply for 5 Minutes Daily

WHY: The Journal of Neuroscience found a change in brain chemistry when implementing breathing exercises and meditation. The findings demonstrated there is specific growth in areas of the brain responsible for attention and processing sensory input. The studies also showed that guided breathing could alter gene expression, greatly improving immune function and energy metabolism.  Additionally, taking longer exhalations illicit the relaxation response offsetting the

detrimental physiological effects caused by stress. 


TRY: Pick a specific time each day for your breathing routine, put it in your calendar as if you would an ongoing conference call or a meeting. Repeat daily at the same time as best you can. Keeping it consistent helps to ensure you will stick to it. You can simply sit and breath to music or in silence- breathing in for 3 counts, out for 5. Inhale 3, exhale 5. There are great apps for additional meditations, such as Calm and Headspace.


Move for 20 Minutes Daily

WHY: The Harvard Alumni Health Study published in the New England Journal of Medicine found the importance of keeping a consistent exercise regime.  The participants who started and kept up an exercise program had a 23% lower risk of chronic disease than those who started a program and eventually stopped.

The Department of Physiological and Brain Sciences at Boston University has proven that exercise can help treat depression, while low activity can be a major contributing factor to depression. Moderate daily exercise increases brain derived neurotropic factor  (critical protein in neural network of the brain) and serotonin (fulfillment hormone), both essential for lowering anxiety and influencing mood.


TRY: Perform 20 minutes of daily HIIT training, walk, bike, swim, yoga… any type of movement you enjoy. Just like the breathing routine, put 20 minutes of movement as an ongoing appointment in your calendar.  If you’d like a guided workout, here are a few options (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCh0ZILWcaTpKVJjuVne3e1A/featured).


Eat Dark Chocolate

WHY: The phenolic antioxidants in cocoa stimulate changes in the pathways involving gene expression, protecting the nerves from injury and inflammation.  The US National Library of Medicine found the cocoa in dark chocolate to protect the skin from oxidative damage from UV radiation and have beneficial effects on satiety, cognitive function, and mood. A study conducted by the National Institute of Health found that eating dark chocolate two or more times per week lowered the risk of having calcified plaque in the arteries by 32%.  Cocoa also stimulates the production of serotonin, which helps improve overall mood.


TRY: Enjoy dark chocolate (70% cocoa or above) each day. I have 2-3 pieces in the afternoon when my energy is low or at night when I’m craving sugar. A few great brands- Lindt, Alter Eco, Theo