
Enhance Immunity

Happy Friday! Today I want to discuss ways in which we can elevate our immunity. Stress is one of the main causes of a hindered immune system, which is why we will incorporate strategies to shift out of the fight or flight state and into a relaxation response.

Fortunately, none of this week’s strategies will take too much time to implement and you will notice the positive impact right away. You have the power to build the best immune system, and in turn, feel energized and resilient on a daily basis.

Here are a few easy ways to quickly strengthen the immune system and improve overall well being. Try integrating any of the following starting today:

  • Nix the Grains and Processed Foods: Cut out or lower consumption of grains, foods in a package, sweeteners, and processed oils (corn, canola, sunflower,soybean, cottonseed, safflower,grapeseed). These create oxidative stress in the body and lower mitochondrial function (powerhouse of the cells). 

  • Increase Consumption of Healthy Fats, Polyphenols and Fermented Foods: Enjoy wild caught fish, avocado, olives/olive oil, blueberries, raspberries, sauerkraut, all types of green vegetables. The powerful properties in these foods greatly lower inflammation and heal the gut flora (70% of immunity is made in our gut lining). 

  • Lower Blood Sugar and Insulin Levels: Cut out processed foods and sugar. Add in any of the following on a daily basis: 

  • Cinnamon- helps control blood sugar

  • Reishi- lowers blood sugar levels by downregulating alpha-glucosidase which breaks down scratches into sugar

  • Berberine- slows breakdown of carbs

  • Matcha- helps stabilize blood sugar

  • Apple cider vinegar- lowers blood sugar and improves insulin sensitivity

  • High fiber veggies- improves insulin sensitivity

  • Breathe Through Your Nose: Deep breathing can shift the body from a stress response to a calm, focused state. By taking it one step further and breathing through your nose instead of the mouth, there will be a greater effect on the body and the brain. Nose breathing results in 10-20 percent higher oxygen uptake, and removes germs and bacteria from the air. Nose breathing sends nitric oxide to your lungs which helps dilates airways in the lungs and blood vessels, increasing immune defense.

For those who want to go a little deeper on immune strategies and the research to support, here are a few additional ways to improve your health on every level.

Aim for 30 minutes of exercise per day. This can be any movement you enjoy. Feel free to switch up the type of workouts, but be sure to get in the 30 minutes daily. There are a number of proven reasons why this is essential to your health and happiness: 

  • Exercise Improves Immunity: During exercise the body produces cytokine proteins, which are key in regulating inflammation. Studies conducted by UC San Diego found an aerobic exercise session of 20-minutes resulted in a 5% decrease of inflammatory proteins in the blood stream and a significant increase in beneficial hormones such as epinephrine and norepinephrine. 

  • Exercise Improves Learning and Cognitive Function: Exercise stimulates brain cell production and increases brain derived neurotrophic factor. This protein in the brain helps to create new neural pathways, essential for information retention and analytical thought. 

  • Exercise Improves Brain Plasticity: The brain capacity to adapt to ever-changing conditions depends on the ability of neurons to modify the strength and composition of their connections in response to both external and internal stimuli. Both endurance and resistance exercises release myokines into the circulation, which improves neural efficiency of the brain. Essentially, any type of exercise allows the brain to improve its capacity for thinking and adapting. 

  • Exercise Lowers Stress: During physical activity, the body’s stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline lower and the production of endorphins are raised. A variety of studies conducted by the American College of Sports Medicineindicates that being physically active improves the way the body handles stress because of changes in the hormone responses, and that exercise affects neurotransmitters in the brain such as dopamine and serotonin that affect mood and behaviors.

10-Minute Meditations for Stress Relief, Deep Sleep, Sustained Concentration & Accelerated Energy

Meditation has never come easy for me. I do enjoy a variety of wellness experiences, but when it comes to sitting down and meditating, I can officially say that I have never been successful for sustained periods of time. In fact, I have had many meditations using an app where I spent half the time texting. The lovely instructor’s voice was telling me to exhale to let go, while I was holding onto the phone, rapidly replying. Needless to say, I did not experience all of the profound benefits that come with a meditation practice. I was simply just checking a box to think I completed the mental wellbeing part of my routine.

Since my futile attempts, I have learned a much more practical way of experiencing meditation. My great friend and team member, Adam Peot, is a certified Meditation Coach, Yoga Instructor and Holistic Practitioner. He has been immersed in meditation for the last twenty years, creating an accessible way to implement mindful practices for all of us in a 24-7 workweek. For this week’s blog, I will share some strategies I learned from Adam and guided meditations designed for stress relief, strengthened immunity, enhanced focus, and accelerated energy.

This brief outline of helpful practices and tips is designed to support you with incorporating meditation and mindfulness into your daily life for greater clarity, ease, focus, heath and less-stressful living. Approach these practices as free, accessible and time-tested tools for daily renewal.

Sit comfortably in a quiet place, rather than trying to copy an image in your head of how one “should” look while meditating. Find a sense of natural aligned ease that you can carry from your practice into daily living.

Your practice unfolds from interest to effort to practice, to an effortless way of being. Begin with a few minutes and lengthen as you feel comfortable. Silence is great, but some relaxing music or time in nature may help as well, so try both out. Keep it simple.

Stress Reduction

Using breath and body awareness to shift, settle, expand and ease our state,(de-stress) energy.

- from tension to ease
- from contraction to space
- from feeling scattered outwardly to centered inwardly

Sitting in a comfortable chair or lying down with eyes closed. Breath = the link and regulator of body and mind.

Smoothly, naturally and slowly breathe in a 3-2-1 inhale, pausing, and 3-2-1 exhale.

Belly to Full Body Breathing- It is common to breathe shallowly into the chest which can lead to tension and getting stuck in our busy minds. By shifting the awareness to the belly and then full body breathing the entire body-mind and nervous system can settle, expand and calm.


Energy and mind centering (vs being scattered and exhausted). Like fine tuning a telescope for closer examination and clarity, we use breath and awareness to sharpen our presence and quality of mind power.

Training the distracted “monkey mind”

- from scattered to centered
- from blurry to sharp
- from shallow to deep

Breath counting (1-10) and then breath following (without wandering off). Session by session you will tame the untrained mind and shift from being run by it, to using it as your tool and ally.

Open Presence- Sitting comfortably with eyes lightly open, focus on the clear space in front of you rather than the objects and sensations that arise. Not too tight, not too loose, you become aware of being aware. Rejuvenating Inner Stillness arises. Sensations and thoughts habitually pull your attention away, but gradually you come back to open clear lucid presence (natural awareness) and the moments of remembrance begin to outweigh the periods of forgetfulness.

In this space you have the freedom to respond rather than react.


As all of life is made up of energy, we tune in to and use our awareness and movement to center, settle and relieve the tensions that get built up. Then one can build up rejuvenating focused energy.

Dynamic Meditation- Sometimes before one is able to truly benefit from more still meditations, one has to get rid of the tensions that accumulate in body and mind. All dynamic means is to move; to dance, shake, exercise, walk; just do something physical to loosen up the stuck energy before you settle into stillness.

Chi Gathering- First rub your hands briskly together to feel the warm chi energy that energizes your body-mind. Using relaxed breathing and awareness of your body's natural energy centers (palms, soles of feet, pelvic floor) to first gather and then pull the energy from these centers into the space beneath and behind your navel.


Using calm breathing and visualization to help guide your body and energy back into homeostasis and natural well-being. Like a cut that scars and heals purely from the internal genius of our body, our entire system wants to “heal” and recover like that cut.

Lying or sitting, begin to scan your body from head to toe first visualizing and then feeling each aspect of your body aligned, pure, flowing, functioning, pain free, using neuroplasticity to rewire “as if” your body's inherent wellness is already underway.

It may be challenging at first, but in time it will become more rejuvenating and your immune system will thank you. These practices will begin to yield direct immediate results with no harmful side effects.