
Nutritional Upgrades to Elevate Fat Burning and Sustain Energy

There are numerous nutritional paths that deliver powerful results for fat burning and energy. I have tried many in my lifetime. Jumping all over the place, everything from vegan to paleo, even my juice cleanse lasted about 3 hours until I gave up and ate lunch. Having to forgo bread and skip happy hour was a quick way to zap the zest out of life.

Instead of having to follow a specific diet, there can be simple upgrades we can make in our nutritional regime that set up the body to burn fat for fuel and maintain high levels of vibrant energy. There are a few key times of day when the body synthesizes the nutrition it takes in and either uses it for long term energy or burns through it quickly for a quick pickup (then a crash to follow).


In the morning our bodies have the chance to go on two different energy tracks. One track is the sustained energy/fat burning track (ketones) and the other is quick sugar spikes for immediate but short lived energy (glucose). We can affect which track the body goes on by what we put into our system first thing in the morning. 

Choose healthy fats and clean proteins: 

The brain will naturally gravitate towards the sugar-rich options, such as pastries. The brain knows this option will provide quick fuel fast (the dopamine hormone that is released in the morning is reward driven). It does not register that this quick “fuel” will lead to a quick crash. 

Just by sticking to healthy fats and proteins first thing in the morning, and waiting to enjoy carbs later in the day, the body will be on the ketone burning energy track, providing sustained energy. 

Go-to healthy breakfast options: 

  • Eggs

  • Greek yogurt

  • Olives, hard cheeses, cold cuts (channel our amazing Europeans) 

  • Turkey sausage 

  • Black beans 

  • Cottage cheese 

  • Greens 

  • Berries 

  • Smoked salmon

It is not always possible to skip carbs altogether at breakfast events. Aim for 70% of the plate being protein, healthy fats and greens or low sugar fruit like berries. The other 30% can be bread or the wrap for a breakfast burrito. 


Similar to breakfast, sticking with options that are low in sugar and rich in beneficial healthy fat can keep the energy up all day. The brain is made up of 60% fat, so the more we feed it those nutrients the better it will perform. 

There are times when healthy options might not be as readily available. I find it very helpful to pack some snacks for the plane flights and break time at any event. I’ve included my go-tos below: 

  • Hawaiian roasted macadamia nuts 

  • Hu Kitchen dark chocolate 

  • Bulletproof Collagen Protein Bars 

  • Primal Kitchen Vanilla protein packets (I add to my coffee or tea in the afternoon)

  • Dried blueberries 

  • Pumpkin seeds 

Happy Hour

You know me well, I will be recommending tequila! Cocktails and wine can leave the body feeling wiped the next day by disrupting sleep. When we have drinks that are rich in sugar, the hormone, insulin, is released in the bloodstream. Too much insulin can cause the body to hold onto fat and deplete energy stores. It can also raise cortisol, making us feel unnecessary stress and keep us up at night. Just by making a few simple swaps with cocktails, we can help bring the body back into balance.

  • Spirits: Tequila, vodka or gin 

  • Mixer: Club soda and a splash of juice of your choice 

  • Citrus: Lemon, lime, grapefruit, orange

  • Spices: Basil, jalapeno, mint, rosemary

Noras Natural's: Fat Burning & Immune Strengthening Coffee Elixirs

Happy New Years Eve! This year has truly been a crazy one. Nonetheless, I am thankful for every moment of it. I have enjoyed my time at home with my family baking cookies, watching Christmas movies and appreciated the moments of us all sitting in a room together, profusely laughing.

At last, the holidays have been such a wonderful time for me to enjoy the little things. And despite all the delicious holiday sweets and beverages offered throughout our celebrations, I still find myself turning to my classic cup of joe, with a small special twist. In light of the season of giving, I figured why not share my go-tos coffee elixirs with you all! Here below you will find my Fat Burning coffee elixir as well as my Immune Strengthening coffee elixir to help kickstart your mornings.

Fat Burning: Keto Coffee

Enjoy this coffee when you are in a time crunch. These ingredients not only enhance fat burning, but also allow the body to stay in a fasted state. Be sure to stick to water and this coffee recipe, or simply enjoy your coffee black for the desired benefits of fasting throughout the morning.

MCT oil in particular helps improve satiety, enhance cognition, weight loss & has been found to reduce the risk of heart disease. These properties make it the perfect ingredient to pair with your morning cup of joe.


  • 1 cup coffee

  • 1 tbsp. organic grass-fed unsalted butter

  • 1-3 tsp. coconut oil or MCT oil

  • 1/4th tsp. vanilla

  • Cinnamon (optional)


  1. Combine all ingredients in a blender until smooth

  2. Option to enjoy hot or cold

Immune Strengthening: Superfood Coffee

Turmeric is a wonderful additive to coffee during flu season or when your immune system needs a little boost. Turmeric naturally strengthens the immune system by increasing the immunomodulating capacity of the body. If you have a bit of extra time in your morning, give this tasty mix a try.


  • 1 cup hot coffee

  • 1tbsp. raw cacao powder

  • 1 tsp. raw maca powder

  • 1/4th tsp. ground turmeric

  • 1/4th tsp. ground cinnamon

  • 1/2 tsp. vanilla extract natural sweetener of choice

    • ex: raw coconut sugar, stevia, pure maple syrup

  • Splash of heavy cream or almond milk


  1. Combine all ingredients into blender or mix well in coffee mug

  2. Sip and enjoy!