Quick Tips to Strengthen Your Immune System

Here are a few easy ways to quickly strengthen the immune system and improve overall well being. Try integrating any of the following starting today:


Nix the Grains and Processed Foods: Cut out or lower consumption of grains, foods in a package, sweeteners, and processed oils (corn, canola, sunflower,soybean, cottonseed, safflower,grapeseed). These create oxidative stress in the body and lower mitochondrial function (powerhouse of the cells).

Increase Consumption of Healthy Fats, Polyphenols and Fermented Foods: Enjoy wild caught fish, avocado, olives/olive oil, blueberries, raspberries, sauerkraut, all types of green vegetables. The powerful properties in these foods greatly lower inflammation and heal the gut flora (70% of immunity is made in our gut lining).

Lower Blood Sugar and Insulin Levels: 

            Cut out processed foods and sugar. Add in any of the following on a daily basis: 

  • Cinnamon- helps control blood sugar

  • Reishi- lowers blood sugar levels by downregulating alpha-glucosidase which breaks down scratches into sugar

  • Berberine- slows breakdown of carbs

  • Matcha- helps stabilize blood sugar

  • Apple cider vinegar- lowers blood sugar and improves insulin sensitivity

  • High fiber veggies- improves insulin sensitivity

Breathe Through Your Nose:

Deep breathing can shift the body from a stress response to a calm, focused state. By taking it one step further and breathing through your nose instead of the mouth, there will be a greater effect on the body and the brain. Nose breathing results in 10-20 percent higher oxygen uptake, and removes germs and bacteria from the air. Nose breathing sends nitric oxide to your lungs which helps dilates airways in the lungs and blood vessels, increasing immune defense.