Nora's Naturals Quick Swaps for Improving Gut Health

Swap Soda for Matcha Green Tea, Club Soda with Citrus Fruit or Kombucha 

Each of these swaps provides a refreshing option to soda without all of the negative effects. Matcha green tea has the added amazing bonus of delivering a potent antioxidant called EGCG that has been shown to greatly reduce inflammation and may help ward off inflammatory diseases. 

In a recent study conducted by Stanford University, researchers found that matcha shifted cancer cells towards a quiescent metabolic state and stopped their spread at a relatively low concentration. They also found that matcha could affect the signaling pathways that promote cancer stem cells.

Swap Packaged Snacks for Nuts, Seeds, Apples and Almond Butter, Hard Cheeses, Hard Boiled Eggs

All of the above provide protein and fiber that curbs cravings, lowers blood sugar and provides the brain with healthy fats essential for cognitive performance.

Swap Candy for Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate stimulates the production of serotonin, boosts sex drive and curbs cravings. Reason being, dark chocolate is a top source of tryptophan- precursor to serotonin. Additionally, theobromine, a compound found in dark chocolate has the subtle effects of an aphrodisiac.