Your Circadian Rhythm

Your Circadian Rhythm

Your circadian rhythm is a natural and internal 24 hour process of your daily cycles such as sleep & wakefulness, hunger and digestion, hormonal activity and other bodily functions. Overall it is critical in helping you perform your daily activities.

There are a number of ways an individual’s circadian clock can fall out of balance such as travel across different time zones, or changing jobs. Thankfully, there are different known strategies to set your circadian clock back onto a healthy schedule. 

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One tip that may seem obvious is waking up everyday at the same time to create a new and stable rhythm.

Another option involves using melatonin supplements to assist in falling asleep at your desired time, or using caffeine as a temporary energy booster to push through that lull in the day where you seem to always feel drowsy.

If you find yourself having a difficult time falling asleep, taking extra care to limit the stimuli near your bed may help create a calming atmosphere.

While sleep may not be number one on your list of priorities, it is crucial to your overall function; and therefore is important to attend to. So go ahead and give these strategies a try to develop a good circadian rhythm.