Honing Self Esteem

Honing Self Esteem

As cheesy as it sounds, there really is some truth to the following maxim. “You have to love yourself before you can begin to love others”. 

At first glance, this seems like a simple thing to do. However in reality it can be quite difficult. In fact, at times we can often be our own worst critic. To break these negative habits, take a read through the following 2 tips to remind you to check up on yourself and make sure you are receiving enough love.

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Self Love Check! #1 Love Notes

Write yourself a love letter, leave a sticky note on your mirror, podcast just to yourself, or even write in a journal. Reminding yourself of your worth can make such a difference, especially during a tough day. There is no need to write a long, detailed message if you don’t want to. Sometimes I have written something as simple as “You are going to have an awesome day!” to pump myself up. Other days when I've had more time I write a dated letter to describe how I’m feeling. I've found that doing this provides me with a lot more clarity if there is anything I am stressing over or feel overwhelmed by. 

Self Love Check! #2 Be Forgiving

It is human nature to mess up. In fact, the whole idea of being perfect is unrealistic and can be quite hurtful to you if you are in constant chase of being flawless. Unfortunately, the pressure to be perfect has only become stronger through our increasing use of social media in which we only share our best moments. It is important to be able to forgive yourself in the times that you mess up, because the imperfect experiences in your life are what help you grow as a person. Finding peace with what makes you most uncomfortable may release a heavy weight you didn't realize you were carrying.

Hopefully these tips inspire you to share a little love with yourself because you deserve it! Even if some of these tips may not speak to you, what is important to take away from this is that making sure you feel loved and worthy should always be an priority.