Foods that Boost Immunity

Red, orange and yellow leaves are beginning to shed the trees and cover the ground. The mornings seem to begin with a more biting, cool air. The sun, although still bright and warm during the day, has slowly begun to set earlier and earlier each day that goes by. It is official; the seasons are changing, which brings on the excitement of so many fun, fall activities! 

Although Fall brings with it the excitement of lighting that pumpkin candle, or snuggling up with your friends for a movie marathon, this season also brings a threat to your health and wellness. There are so many different illnesses that get passed around this time of the year, and they are not fun. Right now it is more important than ever to take some extra steps to attend to your health and make sure you feel 100%.

When it comes to health, committing to small adjustments are an important key to sticking to your goal. So today I thought I’d share one of the easiest measures that I take to protect my immune system and avoid getting sick. The answer is food! There are many foods that can help fuel your body to fight off potential infections and maintain a powerful immune system. Here below are a few of my favorite and easy pick-ups at the store.



This is probably a common go-to for many people. Citrus has tons of Vitamin C which boosts your white blood cell levels. Not only is it great for building a strong immune system, but it tastes great too.


Yes Garlic! It is not only very flavorful, but also so adaptable for many different recipes. This is definitely a must when you pick up your groceries for the week.


Spinach can be easily added into smoothies, serve as a base for your salad, or sautéed as a wonderful side to your steak dinner with potatoes. This healthy green is not only rich in Vitamin C, but also in beta carotene and antioxidants. A great combo to boost that immune system.


One of my go-to breakfasts for when I am in a rush in the morning. Yogurt’s live cultures help strengthen your immune system to fight off diseases. Additionally, it is a great source of Vitamin D! Try adding in granola, some cut up fruit, chia seeds and a drizzle of honey to a nice bowl of greek yogurt next time you need to whip up something quick.