
Self Care Habits

Simple acts to heighten abundance, stimulate positive thought and sustain energy in the midst of stress. 

Self care can feel contradictory. There are few daily reminders to focus inward, and nourish ourselves first.  We spend a significant amount of energy as outputs, rather than inputs. Between work, family, friends, daily tasks and responsibilities, it can be easy to spend 90% of our energy as an external focus with little left over to rejuvenate ourselves. After a while, this output can add up to depletion. I know when I don’t spend any of my energy inward, I am not nearly as helpful or valuable to those I would like to help. My work is nowhere near as creative as I expect it to be, and I generally just feel low. 

This week, I would like to share actionable self care strategies that do not take up too much time, but can make a difference in our state. As always, use any segment that speaks to you. Every day is different, so you can refer back to the specific section on the days you need it most. We are all working hard, doing our best. Adding in a little extra love, time, and care for ourselves is worth it. 

Positive psychology is the science of what is needed for a good life. While this focus is not new, dating all the way back to Aristotle's investigation of eudaimonia (a Greek word commonly translated as the state of good spirit or happiness), the emergence of effective disciplines to achieve this state is relatively modern. The Authentic Happiness theory demonstrates four areas of life that come together to create sustained joy. 

The Pleasant Life

Having as much positive emotion as possible and learning the skills to prolong and intensify pleasures.

The Engaged Life

Knowing personal character (highest) strengths and recrafting your work, love, friendship, play and parenting to use them as much as possible.

The Meaningful Life

Using personal character strengths to belong to and serve something that is larger than oneself.

The Achieving Life

Dedicated to achieving for the sake of achievement. There are specific strategies that have been proven to support all four aspects of Authentic Happiness: 

  • Personal Relevance: Creating patterns, carrying out healthy routines and reinforcing positive thoughts to focus on oneself. 

  • Perceived Challenges: Participating in experiences and engaging in daily challenges that stretch (neither over-match nor under utilize) existing skills. 

  • Clear Proximal Goals: Setting short term goals  to become engrossed in the experience, and make engaged goal-striving more likely. 

Morning Mindset Journal 

Just like our physical challenge of the month, the mental component is designed to be done daily without impeding the schedule. Take 3-5 minutes first thing in the morning for the next 30 days to complete the prompts below. No need to overthink it. Just fill out whatever comes to mind that day. 

Every day is different, and there is no right or wrong way to complete it. Just the act of identifying these key areas daily can have a direct effect on mindset, gratitude and overall happiness. 

The Pleasant Life: Write down three positive thoughts, feelings or recent experiences that made you feel joy. 

The Engaged Life: Write down three personal characteristics you want to activate today- whether at work, in relationships or out in the community. 

The Meaningful Life: Write down three simple actions you can complete today that would have a positive impact on someone or something. 

The Achieving Life: Write down three goals that you plan to accomplish today, then write down one action item for each to complete by the end of the day. 

Similar to the connection between exercise and brain function… There is a bidirectional connection between the gut microbiome and the feelings of happiness/satisfaction in the brain. The human gut is lined with more than 100 million nerve cells. The digestive tract produces 90% of our feel good hormone serotonin, and the gut bacteria produces many other neurotransmitters such as dopamine, norepinephrine, acetylcholine, and GABA. All of these neurotransmitters are critical for mood regulation, concentration, motivation and reward. 

There are ways to feed the healthy gut bacteria and minimize the bad bacteria. For this month’s challenge incorporate two items daily from the “Super Strength” list below and cut out two items daily from the “Old Offenders”. 

Super Strength: 

  • Plantains 

  • Kimchi 

  • Sauerkraut 

  • Yogurt (no sugar) 

  • Kefir (no sugar) 

  • Dark leafy greens 

  • Berries 

  • Seaweed 

  • Apples 

  • Asparagus 

  • Flaxseed 

  • Artichoke 

  • Natto 

  • Gouda, cheddar, cottage cheese 

Old Offenders

  • Soda 

  • Fruit juice 

  • Packaged snacks

  • Cereal 

  • Pasta 

  • Candy 

  • Crackers 

  • Baked goods (unless homemade) 

  • Nutrition bars 

Noras Naturals

Part of self care to me is indulgences. I really enjoy desert, and always trying to find healthier ways to get to treat myself throughout the week. Here are a couple new recipes for cookies. Each recipe uses most of the same ingredients, so you do not have to buy too many items. They are also very simple and time efficient. 


  • 2 cups almond flour 

  • ¼ teaspoon baking soda 

  • ⅓ cup melted coconut oil 

  • ¼ cup honey 

  • 1tbsp vanilla extra 

Combine all ingredients in a bowl. Place in the refrigerator for 10 minutes. Roll into balls and bake for 9-12 minutes at 350 degrees. Once cooked, roll balls into a mixture of cinnamon and coconut sugar. 

Coco Brownie Cookies 

  • 2 cups almond flour

  • ¼ cup cacao powder

  • ¼ tsp baking soda

  • ½ cup coconut oil

  • 4 tbsp honey

Combine all ingredients in a bowl. Let cool in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Place into cookies on a tray and bake at 325 degrees for 12-15 minutes. 

Coconut Cookies 

  • 2 ½ cups unsweetened coconut large flakes

  • ½ cup almond flour 

  • ¼ cup coconut oil 

  • ½ cup maple syrup 

Combine all ingredients in a bowl. Bake at 350 degrees for 12-15 minutes.

I hope this week’s self care strategies and yummy recipes are a great start to the busy month ahead. Thank you for your consistent energy and taking the time to join me here every Friday!