exercise inspo

Train Like A Tennis Star! 5 Exercises To Strengthen Your Arms & Core

Summertime is here, which of course means more time spent outdoors doing the sports we love. If you know me well, tennis is one of my favorite sports that I love to play. The athleticism and drive we see in tennis players is always so inspiring through their performance and physique! Whether or not you will be stepping onto a court, you can still get upper-body strength and beauty, like the pros.

This workout is geared to tone the shoulders, chest, back and arms, which will give you the strength to swing a racket with conviction or rock that new sleeveless dress you’ve been dying to wear. Get ready for a defined, dazzling upper body in no time!

Perform each exercise at a moderate pace, focusing on form. Perform 3 rounds of the entire routine. This workout can be done 3 times per week.

T Raise

Stand with you feet hip-width apart, holding a set of dumbbells at your hips. Deeply bend both knees, shift your hips back and bring your torso parallel to the ground. Engage your core the entire time. Lift the weights up to shoulder height, arms extended straight.

Draw your shoulder blades together as you lift. Bring the weights back down to your starting position and repeat the movement.

Perform 10 reps.

Side Plank With Lateral Raise

Come onto your side with your feet stacked and your right forearm on the floor. Make sure that your right elbow is underneath your shoulder and that your hand is directly beneath your elbow.

Press your hips up toward the sky, lifting as high as possible. Hold one dumbbell in your left hand, extended straight out from the shoulder.

Lift up directly above your shoulder with the arm extended. Come back to center and repeat the movement. Perform 10 reps each side.

Triceps Pushup To Mountain Climber

Come into a straight-arm plank with your wrists under your shoulders and legs extended to straight. Deeply bend both arms as you bring your chest toward the floor. Keeping your body as straight as possible, press back up to straight arm plank.

Then, draw your right knee toward your chest, keeping your hips down and level. Come back to center and bring your left knee toward your chest. Return back to your starting position (your straight-arm plank) and repeat the entire movement. Perform 10 reps (1 pushup and 1 mountain climber is 1 rep).

Biceps Holds

Stand with your feet hip-width apart and a slight bend in both knees. Hold a set of dumbbells in each hand.

Bend your elbows and bring your weights up, forming two 90-degree angles with your arms.

Keep your shoulders down away from your ears and core strong. Try to remain as still as possible, engaging the biceps the entire time. Hold this position for 30 seconds.

Opposite Arm And Leg Reach

Come into a straight-arm plank with your wrists under your shoulders and feet slightly wider than hip-width. Engage your legs and core as much as possible. Once you feel steady, lift your right arm up to shoulder height.

As you lift right arm, lift left leg up to hip-height. Come back to center and switch sides.

Move at a controlled pace, while keeping your torso as still as possible. Continue to alternate lifting your opposite leg and arm.

Perform 10 reps each side.

Note: If you feel more comfortable lifting just your arms or just your legs please do so.

6 Moves To Build Strength & Get A Killer Core

Summer may be coming to an end but a killer core is never out of season. A strong core not only gives you a slim physique, but also reduces back pain, improves posture, increases balance and gives you a confidence boost. In order to build lean muscle and flatten out your stomach, your workouts need to challenge the core in many different ranges of motion.

These dynamic moves will strengthen your abs to flatten things out and maintain a six-pack, strengthen your obliques to create a v-shape and work your hips to give you an hourglass figure.

Perform the workout 3-4 times a week on its own or in addition to your usual workout. Once you get through each exercise, rest for 30 seconds and repeat the entire routine three times. You only need a mat, so you can complete this workout anywhere!


Lie flat on your back with your legs extended to straight and arms by your sides. Lift your right leg up to hip-height as you lift your upper back off the floor. Reach your left hand to touch your lifted right leg. Twist through your waist, engaging the obliques and keeping your leg still.

Lower your leg and torso back to the floor, coming back into a lying position. Engage your core to lift your left leg and upper back off the floor. Touch your right hand to your left leg, twisting through your waist.

Continue the movement for 10 reps each side.

Roll Downs

Come into a seated position with legs extended out straight. Hinge forward at your hips as you reach towards your toes. Then start to roll down on your back, one vertebrae at a time. Press your thighs together and activate the core.

Once on your back, begin to roll up one vertebrae at a time. Keep legs and feet pressed into the floor as you come back up to a seated position.

Continue the movement for one minute.

Opposite Arm & Leg Raise

Come into a straight arm plank with wrists under shoulders and legs extended. Maintain a static position with control. Then lift your left leg up to hip-height and right arm up to shoulder height. Deeply engage your core and glutes the entire time.

Return back into a straight-arm plank and switch sides, lifting right leg and left arm. If you feel too unstable, you can always just lift your arms, keeping your feet on the floor.

Perform ten reps on each side.

Butterfly Sit-ups

Lie flat on your back with your knees bent and feet together. Place your hands behind your head and lift your feet a few inches off the ground (keeping your feet glued together).

Lift your shoulder blades off the ground as your bring your knees to your elbows. Return back to starting position with your feet hovering over the floor. Repeat the movement using your low abs to draw your legs inward. Perform 20 reps.

Side Plank Hip Raises

Come into a side plank with your elbow aligned under your shoulder and your feet stacked. Form a straight line from your shoulders to ankles.

Then, press your hips up to the sky. Drop your hips back down toward the floor with control.

Repeat the movement by pressing hips back up to the sky and then lowering them down. If this is too much on your shoulders, you can always bend your bottom knee and place it on the ground.

Repeat the movement at a steady pace. Perform ten reps on each side.

Squat Jumps

Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Deeply bend both knees, shift hips back and lower down so thighs are parallel with the floor.

Then, swing your arms back by your sides and explosively jump off the ground as high as possible, raises your arms overhead towards the sky. Land softly with your knees bent and your chest up. Repeat the movement, jumping off the ground swinging your arms for momentum.

Perform ten reps.

For an added benefit, cut down or completely cut out all processed foods. The combination will speed up your results and make you feel fantastic!