
Rhythms of Renewal

What we put into our bodies is what we get out. Balancing so many responsibilities into our weekly schedules can become quite stressful which may lead us to slack in attending to our needs. Nevertheless, our bodily needs are something that should not be ignored. This week I am targeting ways to destress, relax and jump back into a solid rhythm of renewal. Go ahead and check it out!

Enhance Nutrition

When we have an injury that needs healing, the body sends pro-inflammatory cells to the injury site to keep out bacteria, virus, and infections. Inflammation should be just right for what it's sent out to fix, not too much or too little, and should go away when the job is done. Through excessive stress, environmental toxins, processed sugars and prolonged fatigue, inflammation can become chronically high and lower our immune defense.

Here are a few nutritional enhancements to lower inflammation in the body.

  • Turmeric is a natural anti-inflammatory. For a quick and delicious way to consume it, blend 1 tablespoon grated turmeric root or powder, ½ cup coconut milk, ½ frozen banana.  

  • Collagen regrows connective tissue and improves cellular turnover. Incorporate 1-2 scoops collagen protein powder into any smoothie or soup.  

  • Broccoli sprouts support methylation which drops inflammation and improves t-cell function. Enjoy on a salad or with any meal. 

  • Elderberry contains potent antioxidants that are essential for cellular turnover and immune defense. Enjoy elderberry tea any time of day.


Any form of mindfulness based stress reduction can alleviate anxiety, strengthen parts of the brain responsible for attention and calm the nervous system thereby reducing inflammation in the body.

My challenge to you… for five days straight perform these simple and short breathing techniques. Incorporate it at the same time daily if possible to keep consistency. You will feel a significant shift in your stress levels

Enhance Energy 

Improve Creativity 

Reduce Stress 

Prolong Focus 

Nora’s Naturals

When all else fails, sometimes a delicious cocktail or mocktail is essential at the end of a long work day! Keep it clean and stay on track by using this simple list of staples: 

Staples of Clean Cocktails: 

  • Quality Spirit: tequila, gin or vodka 

  • Clean Mixer: club soda 

  • Citrus: lime, lemon, grapefruit

  • Spices/Herbs: jalapeno, basil, mint 

  • Optional Sweetener: honey, stevia, maple syrup 

Staples of Mocktails: 

  • Clean Mixer: club soda

  • Citrus: lime, lemon, grapefruit

  • Spices/Herbs: jalapeno, basil, mint

  • Berries: muddled raspberries, blueberries, blackberries

  • Optional Sweetener: honey, stevia, maple syrup