4 Ways To Boost Complexion and Brighten Your Skin

One of the best ways to boost complexion and brighten skin is through consistent hydration. No matter the skin type – the right amount of water, hydrating foods and seasonal routines can make a positive impact. In addition to simply drinking enough water throughout the day, there are creative ways to increase hydration.

Add Avocado to Your Diet

  • Avocados contain all nine essential amino acids, which are the building blocks for cellular health. The omega 3 fats and beta carotene in avocados create an anti-inflammatory environment that promotes fast cellular turnover. 

  • Avocados are rich in vitamin E, a vitamin that hydrates and nourishes the skin. These fruits are also rich in biotin, part of the B complex vitamins, that helps prevent dry skin. 

  • Add ½ of an avocado to a smoothie (makes it very creamy) or slice up one with lemon, olive oil and sea salt.

Adjust Water Temperatures

  • Hot showers can end up being very drying, since it causes damage to the keratin cells that are located on the outermost layer of the skin. With this cell disruption, the cells are prevented from locking in moisture. 

  • Cold water (whether on the face or body) can lower inflammation and increase circulation. A 2019 Yale study found that taking a cold shower after exercise improved hydration in the cells and raised metabolic rates.

Dry Brush

  • Dry brushing is a two-minute technique that stimulates circulation toward the heart, swipes away dead skin cells and creates a surface on the skin that allows for optimal hydration. 

  • Use a dry brush before showering and make small circles from the feet all the way up to the heart. After you complete the brushing, jump in a shower (not too hot).

Try a Face Mask

  • Apply your face masks after showering. When the shower opens your pores, your skin will be able to absorb the ingredients of the face mask better, thus ensuring the face mask will work effectively.